“We’re not allowed to go over 29 hours, and that includes time spent prepping, grading, e-mailing, meeting with students, attending required meetings,” she says. “What is happening—and I’m finding this even with just two classes—because of the grading load, I’ve been put in a position twice this semester where I’ve just had to lie about the number of hours I actually worked. I don’t want to have to make a choice between having a job or not.”
“Colleges Are Slashing Adjuncts’ Hours to Skirt New Rules on Health-Insurance Eligibility” Sydni Dunn
Some weeks you wake up and you want to write about wildcat strikes, or about the possibility of organizing adjuncts in Pittsburgh (ironically, it’s easier in Pittsburgh because it is illegal for faculty at private schools to unionize). Then you read this piece about administrators planning new ways to make our professional lives even less professional, and you want to give up.